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(from The Air in the Air Behind It)

Annulet: A Journal of Poetics: "The Waylayer

Miracle Monocle: "Milankovitch Cycles"

Bennington Review: "What if There's Something Out There"

World Literature Today: "Public Works"

Forklift, Ohio: "from Puddle Jumper" and "from Puddle Jumper"

Louisiana Literature: "Ergonomics of the Later Land"

Salamander: "Before the Experts Mislabelled the Beyond" and "In the Upside Down Forest of Un-                               Furious People"(forthcoming)



Gulf Coast: "Calisthenics"

           *Winner of the 2016 Gulf Coast Prize, selected by Rick Barot 

Passages North: "Archaeology" and "Exploration of the Self as Enflamed Ethologist"

The Journal: "Imitate Inanimate"

Pleiades: "Little Whackos"

The Southern ReviewScene on a Summer Night with Visible Stars”, “Scene that Felt Final but Didn’t End                                               Famously”, and “Scene in which the Situation Seemed Settled”

Denver Quarterly“Land Escape” and “Exploration of the Self as Unsustainable Environment”

Ninth LetterIncident Ending in the Dissolution of a Time Traveler,” “Meditations on Municipal Revenge,”                             “Totalitarian Methods of the New Trapeze Tutor,” “Portrait of the Body Post-Hibernation,” and                           “Exploration of the Self as Separate Species”

           *Winner of the 2016 Ninth Letter Award, selected by Tarfia Faizullah 

Thrush Poetry Journal: "Equine Elegies"

Southern Humanities Review: “Instructions for Stepping Out of Line at a Theme Park

Hayden's Ferry ReviewPortrait of the Body in a Bed Sheet with Eyeholes” and “Healthcare Plans for the                                                   Modern Hypochondriac”

CutBank: “Sudden Onset of Scelerophobia

New South: “City of Stilt Makers

Puerto Del Sol: “Extremophiles

Permafrost: Five Poems

Sonora Review: “Animalignancy”

Midwestern Gothic: “Diadromy”

Bayou Magazine: “Portrait of the Body with Bear Trap

Softblow: "In the God-Awful Age of Everyone"  

The Adroit Journal: "Miscellanea of Whatever Reservations I Had About the Reservoir

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